First off, thank you for the donut chapter beforehand, because this was terrifying! Ironically, I happened to have a nightmare about being attacked in a forest last night. If I had the ability to acquire a donut, I would to tide me over until the next chapter!

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The tones of those two episodes are sooooooo different. 😂

Post-Mass Sunday donuts are a tradition in my family, and I’m not lying when I say that donuts (and my children’s knowledge that they could lose access to those donuts if they push the boundaries too far) have saved my sanity on many a Sunday. 😅 So donuts have a special place in my heart!

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Donuts are an excellent means of sanity saving!

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Oh. Wow.

This is exactly why this novella is so well-written. You covered all the necessary points and showed us just enough of Granger's psychology that I *should* have seen this coming. If Judith and I had asked the one question... just considered *why* he killed Autumn, or how a man who thinks like that would react to fathering a child himself... then we would have known what had to happen next, and why Autumn has been so insistent that her murder be solved. Everything was there, all along, but we were focused on the past.

Hoooooooo boy. Excellent chapter. Now I need some donuts.

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Wow, thank you! You just made my day!!

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Jun 15Liked by Bridget Riley


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So tense! So readable! I have to know what happens next.

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Jul 5Liked by Bridget Riley

a horror installment 🙏 so good

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Little bit of a switch from the previous episode. 😅

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Jun 22Liked by Bridget Riley

Great build of suspense. I think I actually forgot to breath there at the end!

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Thank you so much!

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Lots of dramatic tension. Melissa running for her life and the life of her child.

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My heart's in my mouth reading this one. Wow wow wow. Really hoping Judith and Tim get there in time!

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Oh no oh no … I was like Melissa don’t go! Aaargh! I have to wait a week?

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Jun 16Liked by Bridget Riley

Excellent writing Bridget. Tense, heart stopping panic is something that is sometimes hard to write and convey convincingly, but you did a masterful job here. Really impressed. - Jim

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Thank you so much! Even though it’s one of the shortest episodes, it was very intense to write.

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Oh my god! I am whisper-screaming over here! What a terrifying, dread-filled chapter. Literally on the edge of my seat!

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Yay! Or is it bad to say yay? 😂

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Jun 15Liked by Bridget Riley

Bridget, I have so enjoyed this series! I am on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next! I love the weekly installments - reminds me so much of my childhood and the long wait between episodes of my favorite tv shows. So much time to think and ruminate and guess in the in-between, which just adds to the overall fun. You are a wonderful writer - I feel like I am right there in the scene!!

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Thank you so much! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it! It has been so much fun to write. I had a very detailed outline before I started but have never written a long story week-by-week like this before, so it’s been an adventure!

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Ack! My phone actually suggested a swear word in all caps to comment, which showd how Intense this cliffhanger was! Oh man!

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Wow! AI really must be taking over the world if our phones know to do that, but also - thank you!

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