This was a well-done pulling together of all the threads into a perfectly woven climax! I love the implication that Autumn was there to help save Melissa. Ghost stories make everything better!

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And yes, ghost stories do make everything better. 😊

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Thank you so much! I get a bit nervous about each episode, but with this being the climax, I was especially conscious of needing to pull things together!

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If what happened at the end is what I think happened, ohhhh that was brilliant and this was a smashing story.

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I think that what you think happened is what actually happened, so as long as that is correct, thank you! 😂

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WOW. Wow. You keep outdoing yourself and I enjoyed every second of this episode, it was so exciting and as always the details get me every time. I'm so glad it turned out to be a vision and they were able to save her, and Autumn can be at rest now.

(Does Tim ever sleep properly?? he's on call around the clock and also the first one in the office whenever Judith shows up to demand things and drink his coffee...I feel for him.)

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Oh my gosh, thank you!!

And yes, poor Tim is overworked as only a single guy with no kids can be and yet still function. 😅 He’ll have some help soon, though, once his deputy is back on duty!

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What a climax! I was reading while drinking some hot cocoa and eating dried cherries, and when it got to the bit where Granger sees *something* coming from behind Judith, I had to stop mid-chew and only started eating again when I got to the end. Really great management of tension!

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Thank you! It sounds silly to say, but that really means a lot!

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Bridget, I'm completely invested in these characters, and I binged this story from beginning to here in a matter of days! Your writing style is so beautiful -- several stunning descriptions really captured my imagination! I can't WAIT to see how it all ends!

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Thank you so much, Catherine! That means the world to me!

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Jun 23Liked by Bridget Riley

Holy cow, Bridget. The implications here of Granger's motivation are chilling and damning and redeeming and just... wow.

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His backstory definitely went very dark. 😬

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Jun 23Liked by Bridget Riley

YESSSSS. So freaking satisfying!!! 👏👏👏

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Onya Autumn! So freaking good!!!

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Thank you!

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Love this story. Well-done, Bridget!

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Thank you so much, Diane!

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You’re welcome! Sorry I didn’t find you sooner, Bridget.

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Jun 22Liked by Bridget Riley

Ooo, I did not expect that mysterious cold wind that chased after Granger. But it was well set up, and totally believable.

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Thank you so much!

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Whew!!! You know how to build a scene!

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Thank you!!

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Wow! What a ride! This was a nail biter and had me

Yelling, “Go, go, go!” in my head.

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Yay! Thank you so much!

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Jun 22Liked by Bridget Riley

Fantastic job of writing Bridget. Great action and tension. It was pitch dark, but I saw the whole scene. Really, really liked this episode. - Jim

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Thank you so much, Jim! I’ve had this episode in my head for a long time, but I was nervous about putting it to paper!

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