Jun 8Liked by Bridget Riley

That moment Granger turned rang out like a snapping violin string. Absolutely terrifying. I felt my own stomach knot up, thinking Judith was about to get taken. A great cliffhanger too.

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Thank you, Sam! Haha yay - that's so encouraging to read!

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Jun 8Liked by Bridget Riley

Bridget, I'll say it again, I'm really enjoying this. This is one of those stories that I just don't want to end, and I force myself to read slower at the end of every episode. - Jim

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Thank you, Jim! It feels like time has been flying by since I started this, and it feels strange to be more than halfway finished.

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This took a LONG time for me to read the first time because I had to keep closing it to collect myself with how tense that second section was. I just *knew* Granger was going to find her, and undoubtedly after everything that happened yesterday it was going to be even more awful and terrible. Things just keep getting worse, don't they?

Also, I love Judith so much. Whatever it says about me, I always understand exactly what she's thinking (even if she is *way* more brave than I am.)

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In real life, I would hate to cause stress, but with storytelling - yay!! We’re definitely in the everything-is-getting-worse phase of the story.

I’m so glad Judith resonates with you! So much of my inner awkwardness goes into her, which makes her very fun and kind of cathartic to write.

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This is soooo tense, Bridget, I’m waiting for the next chapter! I felt like I was Judith here - nervewracking, and I was going back and forth over whether it would be Granger or not. For the story-behind-the-story, I’d love to read anything about the background and inspiration.

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Yay! Thank you so much!

And I’ll make sure to include those in the Q&A post. ✅

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One twist after another! Great writing as always. Poor Judith, everything going wrong for her this episode and last!

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I've felt so bad for Judith the past two episodes! She's having a rough go of things right now.

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Every twist draws me further in.

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Oh, the momentum of this story is perfect! Can’t wait for the next episode.

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Thank you, Liz!

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