Definitely seeing the Brontes sisters' influence here, and I am 100% supporting of it. One thing I think you did well that appears in Wuthering Heights (and lots of Poe too) is to heighten the descriptions until they almost cross the line into the supernatural, without actually crossing it. Your description of the bog, the decaying plant matter in layers, was supremely Gothic.
Great story. It caught my attention around paragraph 3, and easily held it to the end.
Yes! She still has her annoying moments, but she earned a bit of my respect when she kept Heathcliff from getting murdered but then intentionally said things to make him furious before peacing out and taking their child with her. Can’t blame her!
Someone's been reading Wuthering Heights 👀. Very eerie. ❤️
Ethereal and dreamy - love it.
Thank you, Keith!
Definitely seeing the Brontes sisters' influence here, and I am 100% supporting of it. One thing I think you did well that appears in Wuthering Heights (and lots of Poe too) is to heighten the descriptions until they almost cross the line into the supernatural, without actually crossing it. Your description of the bog, the decaying plant matter in layers, was supremely Gothic.
Great story. It caught my attention around paragraph 3, and easily held it to the end.
Thank you so much, Sam! That’s one of my favorite things about Gothic imagery!
Oooo very nice!
Thank you!
You are very welcome!
Ahhhh wow! You captured Emily’s style of prose so well but really made it your own! This was so eerie and fun!!
Thank you so much!!
Is it Edgar's sister? Can't even remember her name.
Yes! She still has her annoying moments, but she earned a bit of my respect when she kept Heathcliff from getting murdered but then intentionally said things to make him furious before peacing out and taking their child with her. Can’t blame her!