You already had me thinking about the meaning of caves the other day and so here's my analysis now that I've read this story:

This cave is reminiscint of Plato's cave. The cave itself is her own mind. This is very much a story of self-actualization and shedding the lies we believe about ourselves. Your protagonist is stuck, literally drowning in her own negative self concept and she can't interact properly with the outside world until she confronts the darkness within herself.

Beautifully written and deeply philosophical! I'm gonna be thinking about this one for a long time.

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Thank you so much! Yes, I (cough cough) definitely had Plato in mind while writing 🧐. Just kidding. 😅 The last time I read Plato was for a college class over a decade ago (which is gross to write - I thought it surely couldn’t have been that long ago until I actually counted, and - yep), but maybe the cave metaphor is just percolating in my subconscious.

I love your analysis!

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I love the descriptions of and use of colour in this story!

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What an achingly beautiful tale. I felt so deeply sad for the girl and desperate for the fairy. It was a triumph to watch the girl pull herself from her inner darkness and escape the darkness of the cavern.

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Thank you so much, Liz!

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This was beautiful. I was really concerned for the fairy for a minute there! Well done!

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Thank you, Michael!

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Sep 7Liked by Bridget Riley

Bridget, very well done. I really enjoyed this one. - Jim

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Thank you so much, Jim!

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